Classy Writers

Classical Writers

December, 2018

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Identify a topic that poets address in their sonnets. Then, explain HOW that issue is addressed by these poets.

Identify a topic that poets address in their sonnets. Then, explain HOW that issue is addressed by these poets. For this paper, you will analyze one sonnet by Spenser, one sonnet by Shakespeare, and another sonnet of your choice, written by a contemporary poet. All three sonnets must depict one common topic and subject; but, they must each convey a different tone and mood. Identify and explain the devices and techniques used to convey their message. The analysis must revolve around an issue, topic, subject and how the poets address that “one” issue. Defend your claim with textual evidence from the three sonnets. 

Essay on “theme”

My essay has to be about “theme”. My teacher gave me some examples on what the theme is for example. “Maturity”. How sammy acts. It could also be “power desire” or both. Another example she gave was “sexism” . 

Why school start times should be later

Write a research paper about why school start times for public schools in michigan should start later than 8am.